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Showing posts with label Interesting. Show all posts

Monday, 2 February 2015

Why the Letters of Keyboard are In 'QWERTY' form? An interesting reason

The keyboards are used by almost all of us. It is known as the qwerty keyboard. But have you ever thought that why the keys of a keyboard are not aligned? Why the letters of ABC are not in the arranged form? This is an article where you will find the answer to your questions of how and why the qwerty keyboard came into being. So brace yourself because we are going to take you back when the first ever typewriter was invented.

The typewriter was first invented by Remington 1 and he placed the keys of ABC in it straight, one after another. There was a big problem faced by Remington because when he putted the ABC in its original form. The keys of ST and TH were side by side and up down to each other. When these keys in a qwerty keyboard were pressed together, the sticks of typewriter become tangled. Therefore, the typewriters stopped working and this was a serious problem.

Remington dealt with this problem by placing keys in a completely different order. The formation he gave to keyboard was which is nowadays known as QWERTY. It was used for a long time and people became familiar with this typewriter. This is why when the keyboards and computers came and replaced the typewriters, the formation of letters was not changed and QWERTY keyboards were used. Even till now we are using these keyboards.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

The Town Where You Can't Use Wireless Connections

This is a fast forward world in which we are living and technology has made a lot of things easier for us. There are mobile phones, internet and other similar devices which has made our life comfortable. These are among things which almost everyone in this world is using. But what if we tell you about a place where the use of internet, mobile phone and any wireless connection is banned? Surely it will be shocking and people are a lot curious that which is the place where using these common facilities is ban!

Well, the Place is “Green Bank” which is a town located in West Virginia. This is a location of America and the government has banned the usage of these basic facilities. But there is some reason to ban a thing as the government does everything for the welfare of the people and the assets of the country. Green Bank is well known place and a lot of tourists come here from all over the world. This is because the biggest telescope of the world named “Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope” is present here. In order to let it work without any disturbance, the wireless signals are not allowed. If allowed, these signals may create the disturbance in the working of the telescope. This is why people are not given access to one of the most advanced things we have in terms of technology.

The telescope helps in knowing about the stars and other objects which million and trillion light years away from the earth. We are unable to go to that place at the time and we might not become able to go there for next couple of decades but still we can know about it. There are 9 other electromagnetic waves and radio waves sensitive telescopes and radars. The presence of mobile and internet signals will not let these things work properly and this will lead to the development of wrong stats about the things that are several light years away from us.

The only possible way of communication for the people of Green Bank, Virginia is few telephones provided to these people by the government. But more interesting thing is that even to these telephone lines which are only way to contact to people outside, the access is limited.

If a person from outside the world sees the life of people of Green Bank, surely they will find it hard. But the people living there are habitual of living without these facilities and they are happy with their life. Though the wish of being advanced and usage of technology is found there!

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Now We can see WiFi Signals

New Castle: We use WiFi signals on several devices. They have become an important part of out lives. These signals are supplied to us in form of rays. No one ever thought that they would be able to see these signals. But now, a scientist named Louis Herin has made a technology which will make us able to see the WiFi signals. This will take us to the world of those hidden rays which has always been a matter of attention. As shown in the picture, we can see these WiFi signals in different colours. The different colours are related with the difference in the signal strength. A speial software has been installed in this technology. This would be available on your andriod devices. We can utilize this software to look at the WiFi signals around us.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

The secret of Why Zebra has Stripes

We all know that the Zebra has black stripes on its white skin. Have you ever wonder why?? Science has discovered recently the purpose of those stripes. There are certain type of dangerous flies who bites the animals and this leads to several dangerous diseases in them. There was an experiment in which the statues of Zebra were painted Grey, White, Black, White and Black etc. The flies were left open to sit on them and there were just a little flies who sat on Black and White (the original colour of Zebra). Rest which were greater in number, sat on other colours and scientists made the conclusion that the purpose of these stripes are to save Zebras from those dangerous and harmful flies.